Use your bathymetric and other available data to to visualize and explore the seabed and the water column - in 4D and in real-time.
Import 3D assets (mineral, fauna, flora, man-made equipment..) and customize your underwater fieldwork to suit your needs.
Obtain a photorealistic rendering of your digital twin of the ocean.
Livestream 4D data from your fieldwork. Create spatial alarm and monitoring systems.
Replay and experience the entire mission in 4D on demand. Link your video and navigation data to your ROV, AUV or manned submersible dive profile and experience the entire mission in 4D - as many times as you want.
The digital ocean twin can be easily shared with colleagues, partners and stakeholders. It is versatile, easy to use and cloud compatible.
Our solution is 100% true to your data and allows you to visualize
the evolution of your deep ocean fieldwork over time.